Understanding Video Indexing Errors: A Guide for Small Business Owners


Hey there, small business owners!

Have you ever wondered why some of your videos aren’t showing up on Google searches, even though they're live on your website? Well, you're not alone. Let’s unravel the mystery of video indexing errors, shall we?

It’s All About the Spotlight

Google Search Console has shed some light on why certain videos don't make it to Google's search results. The key takeaway? If the video isn't the star of the show on your page, Google may not give it top billing in search results.

Now, what exactly does that mean? Let's break it down with some easy-to-digest examples:

Blog Posts: Imagine you've written a killer article on 'The Best Coffee Brewing Techniques' and included a video demonstrating those techniques. If your video is just sitting quietly in the corner of the page while your text does all the talking, Google sees it as a side act, not the main attraction.

Product Pages: You have a fantastic page dedicated to your new espresso machine, complete with a snazzy video showing it in action. If that video is just a visual aide and not the main focus, Google’s spotlight might pass it by.

Video Galleries: Got a page lined up with a bunch of videos, like a mini-YouTube for your brand? If there's no lead star and all videos share equal limelight, Google might not pick a favorite for its search results.

Why Does Main Content Matter?

You might be wondering, “Why is Google so picky?” Well, when people search for videos, they’re usually looking to watch something specific, not to read a text with a video that’s just there to provide a visual break. Google wants to provide searchers exactly what they're looking for – videos that are the main focus of a page.

Making Videos the Main Attraction

So, how do you make sure your videos are the main attraction?

Be Direct: Make your video the first thing people see when they land on your page.

Be Descriptive: Use clear, descriptive titles and captions that tell both viewers and search engines what your video is about.

Be Engaging: The content should be engaging enough that people want to click and watch.

The Sitges Marketing Touch

Now, we get it – this might sound a bit techy. That's where we come in. At Sitges Marketing, we're all about making SEO and online visibility a breeze for you.

Our team can help turn those overlooked videos into SEO gold. We'll audit your site, identify the videos that deserve the spotlight, and rework your pages to give them the main stage. With our help, your videos won’t just support your content; they'll be the content that draws crowds (and customers!).

Let’s Chat!

Don’t let your videos fade into the backdrop. Contact Sitges Marketing today and let us help you shine in the Google search spotlight. Whether it's through a free consultation or a full-on strategy session, we’re here to help your business become the main event online.

Remember, in the vast internet arena, your content deserves to be front and center. Let’s make sure Google sees it that way too.

Ready to get started? Drop us a line, and let’s turn those indexing errors into success stories!

Dr. Josh Bradley PhD

Dr. Josh Bradley has almost two decades of experience working in Digital Advertising including SEO, Paid Search, Programmatic and OOH Digital Media. He has helped over 200 companies succeed and is a regular contributor to online publications and LinkedIn.


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