How Up-to-Date Business Hours on Google My Business Can Boost Your Local SEO: A Guide for Small and Medium Business Owners

Your small business depends on local customers and these days your customers rely on Google Maps more than ever to decide if they can come to your store before they leave their house.

Recent insights from Search Engine Land and Search Engine Journal have highlighted a crucial factor for success: the accuracy of your business hours on Google My Business and Google Maps. As a small or medium-sized business owner, staying informed and proactive can make a significant difference in how easily your customers can find you online.

Understanding the Importance of Business Hours for Local SEO

Google's local search algorithm increasingly prioritises the "openness" of businesses. This means that having accurate, up-to-date business hours listed on your Google My Business profile can directly impact your visibility in local search results. The reason is simple: Google aims to provide the most relevant and useful information to users. If your business hours are accurate, it ensures a better user experience for potential customers searching for your services or products.

The Impact of Accurate Hours on Customer Experience

Imagine a potential customer planning to visit your store. If they rely on the hours listed on Google and find your business unexpectedly closed, it can lead to frustration and a negative perception of your brand. Conversely, accurate hours build trust and reliability, encouraging repeat visits and positive reviews, further boosting your local SEO.

Step-by-Step Guide to Verifying Your Business Hours on Google My Business

Ensuring your business hours are correct on Google My Business is essential, especially during national and local holidays when regular hours might vary. Here’s a simple guide to keep your hours up-to-date:

  1. Log In to Google My Business: Access your Google My Business account. If you haven’t claimed your business yet, it’s time to do so.

  2. Select Your Business: Choose the business you want to update from your dashboard.

  3. Navigate to the ‘Info’ Tab: Here you'll find all the essential details about your business, including hours of operation.

  4. Edit Your Business Hours: Click on the pencil icon next to your hours. Ensure that your regular business hours are correct.

  5. Add Special Hours: Don’t forget to add special hours for holidays or special events. This option allows you to customize hours for specific dates.

  6. Review and Apply Changes: Double-check for accuracy and save your changes. It’s recommended to review this section regularly, especially before major holidays.

Tips for Keeping Your Business Hours Accurate

  • Regular Updates: Make it a habit to check and update your business hours regularly.

  • Holiday Planning: Before holiday seasons, update your hours to reflect any changes due to the holiday schedule.

  • Respond to Changes Quickly: In case of unexpected closures (like emergencies or weather-related issues), update your hours as soon as possible to keep customers informed.

Beyond Business Hours: Other Local SEO Tips

Updating your business hours is just one part of optimising your local SEO. Here are a few additional tips:

  • Encourage Reviews: Positive reviews can improve your visibility and credibility. Encourage satisfied customers to leave a review on Google.

  • Optimise Your Business Description: Use relevant keywords in your business description to improve search relevance.

  • Utilize Local Keywords: Include location-based keywords in your website and Google My Business profile.

  • High-Quality Images: Upload clear and attractive photos of your business to enhance your profile’s appeal.

  • Stay Active on Google Posts: Regularly post updates, offers, and news to keep your profile active and engaging.

In the ever-evolving landscape of local SEO, maintaining accurate business hours on your Google My Business profile is a small but powerful step towards enhancing your online presence. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your business stands out in local searches, providing a seamless experience for your customers and setting the foundation for your business’s growth and success online.

Stay ahead in the local SEO game by regularly updating your Google My Business profile and employing comprehensive SEO strategies. Remember, every detail counts in making your business more visible and accessible to your potential customers. If you need help with anything Google don’t hesitate to contact Sitges Marketing Agency for help!

Dr. Josh Bradley PhD

Dr. Josh Bradley has almost two decades of experience working in Digital Advertising including SEO, Paid Search, Programmatic and OOH Digital Media. He has helped over 200 companies succeed and is a regular contributor to online publications and LinkedIn.

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