Grow your local business with us

The only marketing agency in Sitges focused on helping your local business succeed

A client shopping from a small business in Sitges, Barcelona.

Sitges is a hugely competitive town

It’s not easy running a business in Sitges. Our local population of 30,000 inhabitants is small, but we have an influx of over 1 million visitors and tourists every year all of them looking for distinctive and appealing experiences and services. 30% of those of us who live here are from other countries and close to 70% of our visitors are from overseas.

A "Come in We're open" sign hanging from the door of a local business in sitges

Now Open

New businesses are opening all the time in Sitges and shops and services are changing hands, meaning there’s always something round the corner you need to respond to. Many of our visitors speak Spanish or Catalan, but a huge majority don’t, making it even harder to attract and promote your services to them.

A groups of friends and tourists laughing and visiting Sitges

Get them once, make them repeat

Most tourists spend 5 nights with us in a hotel and have been at least 3 times before, so they already have their favourite places to eat and to shop. Just think of all the ice cream cafes and tapas bars in town and how many places you’ve been to that are quiet when you think they should be crowded with people. As a business owner, you need to attract new customers in Sitges for the first time, get visitors who already love Sitges to switch to coming to you and encourage us locals to choose you too.

All of this means it’s a hugely competitive market and that the businesses that thrive are the ones that attract and retain the most customers, both residents and tourists.

An image of a beach in Sitges

This is where we come in

Sitges Marketing is your local go-to partner for comprehensive marketing solutions which we can tailor to accelerate the success of your local business. We live here, so we understand the market and we want Sitges to continue to be the beautiful, vibrant town it has become thanks to businesses like yours. But we’ve also worked with national and international brands, so we understand the power of targeted marketing to drive your business and the impact of competitors and changes in your market.

We can help customers, find you, know you and love you and at the same time we can help you find your audience, convert prospects into customers and convert your customers into advocates.

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